Weird, twisted Being 1-- Fart Monster
Description: A fat and bloated, pustulant, turd coloured walking poo. Smells
bad too!
Hit Points: 9Shticks:Boggling Flatulence: 7 Muscle: 6 Break Down Door: 6 Climb:
6 Fight: 8 Pick Up Heavy Th: 8 Throw: 8 Zip: 1 Dodge: 3 Drive: 1 Fire Gun:
1 Jump: 1 Ride: 1 Swim: 1Smarts: 2 Hide/Spot Hidden: 2 Identify Danger: 2
Read: 2 Resist Fast-Talk: 6 See/Hear/Smell: 6 Set/Disarm/Trap: 4 Track/Cover
Tracks: 2Chutzpah: 3 Fast Talk: 3 Pass/Detect Shoddy: 3 Sleight of Hand: 3
Sneak: 7
Weird, twisted Being 2 -- Snot Monster
Description: A bilious green monster that looks a lot like the Slime monster.
Hit Points: 8Shticks:Boggling Snot Ejection: 7Muscle: 5 Break Down Door: 9
Climb: 5 Fight: 6 Pick Up Heavy Th: 5 Throw: 5 Zip: 3 Dodge: 6 Drive: 3 Fire
Gun: 3 Jump: 3 Ride: 3 Swim: 3Smarts: 2 Hide/Spot Hidden: 3 Identify Danger:
5 Read: 2 Resist Fast-Talk: 3 See/Hear/Smell: 4 Set/Disarm/Trap: 2 Track/Cover
Tracks: 2Chutzpah: 1 Fast Talk: 1 Pass/Detect Shoddy: 1 Sleight of Hand: 1
Sneak: 1
Weird, twisted Being 3 -- Slime Monster
Description: A bilious green monster that looks a lot like the Snot monster.
Hit Points: 8Shticks:Boggling Slime Ejection: 7Muscle: 4 Break Down Door:
7 Climb: 4 Fight: 7 Pick Up Heavy Th: 5 Throw: 4 Zip: 6 Dodge: 8 Drive: 6
Fire Gun: 6 Jump: 6 Ride: 6 Swim: 6Smarts: 3 Hide/Spot Hidden: 3 Identify
Danger: 5 Read: 2 Resist Fast-Talk: 3 See/Hear/Smell: 4 Set/Disarm/Trap: 2
Track/Cover Tracks: 2Chutzpah: 1 Fast Talk: 1 Pass/Detect Shoddy: 1 Sleight
of Hand: 1 Sneak: 1
Weird, twisted Being 4 -- Damp One
Description: A bug eyed, frog like thing that creeps around and hides in shadows.
Hit Points: 7Shticks:Boggle Eyed Hypnotism: 7Muscle: 4 Break Down Door: 5
Climb: 5 Fight: 7 Pick Up Heavy Th: 4 Throw: 4 Zip: 3 Dodge: 6 Drive: 3 Fire
Gun: 3 Jump: 3 Ride: 3 Swim: 3Smarts: 5 Hide/Spot Hidden: 8 Identify Danger:
5 Read: 5 Resist Fast-Talk: 6 See/Hear/Smell: 8 Set/Disarm/Trap: 5 Track/Cover
Tracks: 5Chutzpah: 1 Fast Talk: 1 Pass/Detect Shoddy: 1 Sleight of Hand: 1
Sneak: 1
Weird, twisted Being 5 -- Pogo Monster
Description: A coiled spring of a monster with a big head and lots of sharp
Hit Points: 6Shticks:Boggling Teleport: 7Muscle: 4 Break Down Door: 5 Climb: 5 Fight: 5 Pick Up Heavy Th: 4 Throw: 4 Zip: 6 Dodge: 8 Drive: 6 Fire Gun: 6 Jump: 9 Ride: 6 Swim: 6Smarts: 2 Hide/Spot Hidden: 3 Identify Danger: 5 Read: 2 Resist Fast-Talk: 3 See/Hear/Smell: 4 Set/Disarm/Trap: 2 Track/Cover Tracks: 2Chutzpah: 1 Fast Talk: 1 Pass/Detect Shoddy: 1 Sleight of Hand: 1 Sneak: 1
Weird, twisted Being 6 -- Snork Monster
Description: A putrid pink molten marshmallow monster.
Hit Points: 4Shticks:Boggling Death: 7Muscle: 1 Break Down Door: 2 Climb:
7 Fight: 2 Pick Up Heavy Th: 2 Throw: 2 Zip: 2 Dodge: 3 Drive: 3 Fire Gun:
3 Jump: 3 Ride: 3 Swim: 3Smarts: 2 Hide/Spot Hidden: 3 Identify Danger: 5
Read: 2 Resist Fast-Talk: 3 See/Hear/Smell: 4 Set/Disarm/Trap: 2 Track/Cover
Tracks: 2Chutzpah: 1 Fast Talk: 1 Pass/Detect Shoddy: 1 Sleight of Hand: 1
Sneak: 1
Boggling Flatulence -
This shtick produces a large green cloud that smells truly awful and boggles
the player until the cloud disperses or they are removed from the cloud.
Boggling Snot Ejection -
If the victim is hit with the Boggling Snot they are so disgusted with the
monstrous snot that they are forced into a boggle that lasts until they are
cleaned, or they dry out.
Boggling Slime Ejection -
If the victim is hit with the Boggling Slime they are so disgusted with the
monstrous slime that they are forced into a boggle that lasts until they are
cleaned, or they dry out.
Boggle Eyed Hypnotism -
Just like the regular hypnotism shtick, but the monsters eyes are weird and
wibbly enough to boggle the victim if the hypnotism fails.
Boggling Teleport -
If successful, this teleport produces a startling flash of colours and sensations
boggling all who are nearby, adding to confusion as the monster disappears.
Boggling Death -
When this monster is made to fall down there is a pulse of boggling green
lights and flashes that boggle any who are near enough to see what is going
cast patients weirds dimensional nuthatch NECRO-COMICON