There are a number of Mad Old Loons scattered around the asylum, or so it
appears. Infact there is one Mad Old Loon who uses his Shtick to convince
and confuse everyone that he is a horde of loons. At different times he may
assume the guises of, loon in a strait jacket, loon locked in a padded cell,
loon in an electric chair, loon on drugs, escaped loon, or psychotic loon
with a meat cleaver.
Hit Points: 3Shticks:Quick Change Disguise: 8Muscle: 1 Break Down Door: 1
Climb: 1 Fight: 4 Pick Up Heavy Th: 1 Throw: 3 Zip: 2 Dodge: 2 Drive: 2 Fire
Gun: 2 Jump: 2 Ride: 2 Swim:2Smarts: 3 Hide/Spot Hidden: 3 Identify Danger:
3 Read: 3 Resist Fast-Talk: 3 See/Hear/Smell: 9 Set/Disarm/Trap: 3 Track/Cover
Tracks: 3Chutzpah: 2 Fast Talk: 7 Pass/Detect Shoddy: 2 Sleight of Hand: 2
Sneak: 2
cast patients weirds dimensional nuthatch NECRO-COMICON