Out for approval this month
“Zahara & the Skylords of Mu”
…..Inside the Chronostratum, the four-dimensional stream of
time, Zahara, of the time-travelling police force known as the ChronoCorps,
has answered a time distress beacon emanating from the Eden-like
paradise of Mu. Using the time portals within the stratum, Zahara
finds herself transported to the prehistoric island where she discovers
that galactic merchants called the Skylords have brought death and
destruction to this paradisiacal world…...
As Zahara investigates this previously unknown alien invasion she
quickly learns that the Skylords have enslaved the local population,
taken their monarch king Paranthropus hostage, and set about stripping
the world of its natural resources…...
Zahara knows that the survival of the King and the humans must be
safeguarded at all costs - as they were the first human tribe! Zahara
must quickly set about using her powers of L’amour to forge
new alliances and friendships between the alien and predatory races
of Mu in a fun, action packed story of exotic adventure and psychedelic
fantasy that introduces Zahara ……
The Venus of Time!
Ceation Team: Gunstone, Scacchia, D’Amico & Foster.
David Lloyd Joins Ra on the 2012 project. David as you know
was involved In the historic “V for Vendetta” that was
originally published in Warrior magazine back in 1982. It was the
creation of Alan Moore and David, two talents making their way in
the British comic industry. Published in five-page instalments,
the series was cancelled when Warrior ceased publication and resurrected
and completed in 1988 by DC…...
In progress
Following on the 2012 project, NoHype Records have created
a soundtrack for the series, some of the music is available for
download at www.nohyperecords.co.uk
I recommend having a look and listen… Downloads available...
“Faust” Alex De Campi’s adaptation of Goethe’s
story is coming along nicely with Felipe Sobreiro creating the artistry…
"Fallen World" is currently
being submitted
…...In the third decade of the twenty-first century, demonic
worshippers discovered an archaic spell that connected Earth to
the Seven Underworlds. Casting the spell, they reopened ethereal
streams that bridge these worlds, in turn causing a flood of biblical
proportions which swept across the face of the world. Swiftly America,
now an archipelago of island states, was invaded and conquered by
the Sons of Darkness and their demonic acolytes from the extra-dimensional
planets as the unlocked channels finally presented them with a direct
path to Earth. Led by Abbadon, Grand Lord of the arcane sphere of
Gia, The Sons of Darkness returned to Earth to seek ‘justice’
and to repay mankind for their 12,000 year exile to the Infernal
Regions, from the world they knew as Tebel…
There is, though, one symbol of hope. Condemned to death, because
of her mysterious supernatural aura, the young woman known as Sakti
is rescued by a group of rebels within the Sons of Light and heralded
as the last avatar of God….
Bearing the crown of astral light, Sakti holds the key to the struggle
for Earth. Quickly, the forces of the Church State and rebellious
angels set about attempting to repel the demonic host, as they ferment
plans of their own for a new Holy Crusade led by Sakti and the Sons
of Light to conquer the lost. territories of America.
Creation Team Gunstone, Micah, Kris Justice, Michael Birkhofer
and Patrick Foster….
In Progress...
“SMOKE”, Mythologies”, “Lowlives”
and “Faust” by Alex de Campi ……. If you
haven't seen her site here’s the address www.alexdecampi.com
a recommendation from ;) We also have “2012”, “Abraxas”
and “Zahara” wrien by Gunstone to go out this year……..