Scanning the barren country side Liam notices that there is a distinct lack of light polution from the supposedly nearby New York skyline. He, and Tibbs, decide on a paranoid and stealthy aproach to their present situation as they wait for the rest of the party to come too. Avril and Blue Back wake up after a short time. Taking stock of their situation they realise that they have next to no equipment, no supplies, are all injured and need lots of rest. They move the time machine to a small copse and cover it with a makeshift camouflage. Tibbs, being the least injured gets the watch and patrol jobs. Liam tries to teach Tibbs about modern life as they settle in for a long wait.

Over the next few days several things are spotted as they all take turns at keeping a watch. A jet is seen flying overhead to an unknown destination, concentrations of light a great distance away are noted to the North and the South. The wind brings strangely nonhuman scents...

About three days into this protracted rest period a small group is spotted heading North along an old nearby road. The party conceal themselves and wait for this group to get closer. Seeing this group up close dose nothing to ease their paranoia. A group of eight Empire slavers are walking north with four captured animals and two dog scouts on leashes. The party is not up to anything like full strength yet and they reluctantly let this group pass unmolested.

A few more days pass and a dispirited group of old and young animals are spotted heading South. Avril creeps up on them for a closer look. Deciding they are probably harmless she openly approaches and talks to the apparent leader, a moth eaten Parakeet. Avril learns a little about the Empire of Humanity and some sketchy details about the political status of the land. The Parakeet and his ragtag band are heading South for the greener pastures of a place called Cardania. While details are somewhat sketchy at best, Avril assumes that Cardania is a nice place in comparison with the Empire.

The party are almost all better after more than a week of hiding in the country. Tibbs is back on watch, but gets bored and is surprised when someone greets him from just a few feet away, he turns round slowly and, for the first time, sees a large bear with a rifle. A brief moment of paranoia is averted as 'Kojak' the kodiak bear tells the party that he is a scout for the Cardania militia, on manoeuvers in enemy territory. The party learn for the first time that they are in New Kennel, a state affiliated with the Empire of humanity. Kojak imparts some more wisdom about the local political status and encourages the group to join up with Cardania. Liam jumps at the opportunity but Blue Back wants to check out New York (N'Yak) first. They part amicably with Kojak giving them instructions on how to contact him should they make it to Cardania.

Finally the party feels well enough to move about. So they pile in to the vehicle, which is showing advanced signs or corrosion now, and head of East, towards N'Yak. After a slow drive cross country they come to a beach side road and begin to follow it North. Eventually they arrive at a destroyed town, they proceed slowly. Noticing that the side roads have been either blocked by falling masonry or by piled up cars, they come to a guard post with a barrier streched across the road. Liam, Tibbs and Blue Back approach while Avril keeps the engine running. A random selection of ten animals meet the group and a rat comes forward demanding a toll. When Liam asks what they will take as a toll, they have no money, the rat points at the vehicle. Liam immediately draws his swords and chops up the dog with the SMG, they fight. The bandit toll keepers with their guns are still no match for the party and except for a few random shotgun scatter shots the party win the day. Tibbs is quite severly hurt but a week of rest should see him healthy with out to much trouble. They move on.

Finding a relatively intact house with a garage they park and rest. During the nights the party keep watch whenever possible and spot a couple of interesting goings on. A flight of large planes is seen to the North dropping bombs on some unknown target, a jet rattles the foundations of the house as it flies directly over head and out to sea, the Phoenix is seen above N'Yak...

During their stay at the dilapidated house Liam went exploring and discovered a Chicken family living on the coast. Approaching the rooster with the intention of borrowing his boat to cross the straits and get to N'Yak without using the roads. The rooster agrees to take the party if they can make him a plow. This takes a few days but they eventually produce a semblance of a plow with a sword attached to some bits of wood and canibalised parts from the time machine. Tibbs needs a couple more days of rest so Liam aranges to meet the Rooster then.

The game has ended unexpectedly. There will be no more installments of the campaign diary, the final chapter has been uploaded, but it isn't 100% complete.Why ? Three of my four players suddenly have something else to do on our gaming night. Bollocks bollocks bollocks.