- download the Campaign


A TMNT® alternate reality adventure with the possibility of a small amount of time travel shenanigans and a mini nuclear holocaust.






The present government has made the historical decision to accept that mutants exist. Previous political bills have completely denied their existence, causing a background feeling of resentment from the small mutant community. However, the present President Walken is an exceptional character in the fact that he has admitted the existence, but at the same time declared that they are a menace to society.

The Animal Justice Bill at a single stroke declared all animals responsible for their own actions, while at the same time limiting the amount of freedom that animals could enjoy. Mutant animals were effectively categorised as second-class citizens, similar in some respects to a criminal on bail.

The following rules apply…
Mutant animals are legally obliged to carry their identity papers at all times.
Are not allowed to gather in large numbers in public or private.
Must allow normal humans right of way at all times.
Are prohibited to carry, or own, firearms.
Can only visit mutant animal designated drinking establishments.
May only travel on mutant animal designated public transport vehicles.
For infringement of the preceding laws and those already in existence, mutant animals can expect harsher sentences, or even a death sentence for relatively minor infractions.

The Animal Liberation Front, a pro-active equal rights animal organisation with no legal grounds, condemn the Presidents latest law amendments, and claim that any mutant animal arrested and convicted in a kangaroo court will be set free come the revolution.


NEW YORK 2010 - The Present
A state of martial law exists in New York. Most middle and low class areas look like a war zone. The A.L.F. harass the military. The military harass anyone on the streets without a good reason, without the correct papers, or for no apparent reason. There is frequent sporadic gunfire reported all over the city. Checkpoints barricade most major intersections and junctions. Tanks, armoured personnel carriers and soldiers are a common sight.

The government is in control of news and media, producing the bland propaganda that we all expect. President Walken compares the current A.L.F. terrorism tactics with the Civil War of the 1860s, drawing inspiration from both the northern and the southern campaigns. At times he his contradictory, at other times he speaks of global conspiracies and underground movements.

A recent speech by President Walken receives frequent and continuous playback on all the major networks.
"I'm just a poor shmo that made it good. I grew up on these streets and these people are my best friends. Which is why the decisions I've had to make these past few days are the hardest I've EVER had to make. But the street bums will always prey on the weak, the generous and the kind. And there is only one thing THEY understand. "In my hometown at the moment there is a war being fought…. A war led by a few individuals. It is my duty to ensure that these individuals do not degrade the morality of society down to their level of total anarchy. Some of my methods may seem harsh, but they are necessary I assure you. It is my duty as President to unite these individuals and draw them into a morally acceptable, and understanding society. It is my duty as Mister Walken to make it safe for my kids, and yours, to walk the streets at any time they choose.

Cue stars and stripes, national anthem etc.

Meanwhile the A.L.F. has recently been harried out of their secret hideout at the Feet Of Liberty and have moved to a safer warehouse district on the perimeter of the exclusion zone. Blue Back and Catskill, the A.L.F. leaders, have been making plans.

Blue Back has recently come into possession of an unusual obsidian egg, reputably the egg of a phoenix. Enrique Danken, a Mexican aardvark, gave the egg to the A.L.F. and has supplied specific instructions about how to hatch the egg. Blue Back and Catskill plan to hatch the egg next to a Manhattan nuclear reactor. When the egg opens, the new Phoenix will burst forth consuming and igniting everything within its vicinity. There will be a massive nuclear explosion. Society will cease to exist in its present format. That's the plan anyway!


Get them all together and give them a punch up

The group will have spotted each other, made their introductions and be planning their next move. New York is a dangerous place to be just hanging around on your own. A few short minutes can be enough to attract the attention of the military or a roving band of A.K.A. thugs.
In this instance, the aggressors are a group of 4 BIOX security guards looking to make a few extra bucks by capturing mutant animals for their research facility. If the BIOX guards successfully capture the party then they will either have to break out of the BIOX compound, or be rescued by their friendly neighbourhood A.L.F. hero. This encounter is designed to test the party cohesion. A lone character will not be able to stand up to 4 well-equipped, technologically advanced opponents. However, even a small group working together should be able to repulse the guards without too much difficulty. This will also give the party the opportunity to gain a small amount of access to the weapons of the enemy. The BIOX guards are equipped with stun weaponry and decent armour. If the party wants to, they may be able to scavenge some useful items from the corpses.

Introducing the A.L.F.

The party will be approached by a shabby looking, hairy man. He calls himself Digdog and explains that he is an A.L.F. recruitment officer, he looks human but he smells strongly of dog! This can be done either, after the party has fought the BIOX guards, or after the A.L.F. have rescued them from the BIOX facility. Digdog says that the A.L.F. is organising 'escape from New York parties' and they are welcome to join in the fun, any mutant animal is welcome.

Once they are back at the Brooklyn Warehouse base, the party will be put to work as soon as possible on a couple of jobs that the A.L.F. need help with. Catskill and Blue Back explain that they are ferrying weaker animals out of town as quickly as possible. They believe that the A.K.A. and the military will be making a big push to regain complete control of New York very soon. The A.L.F. have taken a battering just recently and are trying to organise a mass migration to more pleasing pastures.

The Military frequently patrol the river, getting one of the patrol boats would be a great advantage to the A.L.F. As yet all of the escape routes are over (or under) land, a water escape could be a quick and safe exit from New York. Catskill has information about an expected, low security, mooring in Brooklyn around midday. The patrol boats usually contain up to 6 lightly armed soldiers (mostly pistols, one shotgun), however the boats do have a forward mounted LMG. If the players can get the boat away from the soldiers, the A.L.F. have a hidden dock near their new base. They should get the boat to this dock with all haste.

The animal migration out of New York is a slow business. To help speed it up the A.L.F. need more land vehicles, cars, vans and trucks. There are plenty of vehicle theft opportunities around town. Catskill is particularly interested in gaining large transport vehicles and coaches. The A.L.F. have no trouble with changing the identity of a vehicle (colour, number plates, etc) if it can be delivered to their chop shop in Brooklyn.

The AKA are holding a rally in Central Park. Catskill is organising a covert operation to disrupt this public meeting. Catskill doesn't really understand the word 'covert', so his plan consists of lobbing teargas into the crowd and opening up with his SMG. This will provide a good opportunity to distribute some A.L.F. pamphlets and propaganda. Several escape routes are highlighted for the Central Park area, utilising sewer boltholes, the nearby safe house, and alleyways.

A haven for mutant animals?

The A.L.F. have heard of a mutant Shangri-La somewhere in North America. Information is vague. All that is known about 'Zahir e Batin' is that it is a mutant state run by mutant animals, where the humans are a small minority. It is Catskill and Blue Backs hope that by sending all of the animal refugees northwards more information may be gained. "And who knows, maybe this place is real after all, it's certainly not going to be as bad as this place."

The phase3 AKA descend on the A.L.F.

President Walken has decided that it is time to up the pressure on the A.L.F. and has called in a crack group of soldiers to route out the mutant menaces. The Phase3 AKA will helicopter in and descend on ropes, making a lightning attack on the new A.L.F. base. Their intention is not to wipe out the animals, but just to cause panic, fear and concern.

A few more details from a suspicious source

Crowley makes his final visit to Blue Back. He has 'critical' information concerning the precise location of the mutant haven 'Zahir e Batin'. Crowley says that, while 'Zahir e Batin' seems to be a philosophy, their political centre is at Deer Lodge in Idaho. Crowley suggests sending all refugees to this location. In fact Crowley wants to cause just a little more pain and hardship before he goes ahead with the destruction of the A.L.F. The Deer lodge location is going to be a concentration point for the elite of the A.K.A. Crowley has as much information about 'Zahir e Batin' as Blue Back does. He thinks it may exist and has therefore decided to reroute potential fodder into his own twisted machinations.

Blue Back conceals his cunning plan

Blue Back has assigned himself the task of retrieving the black egg, a devastating weapon of unknown origins, and delivering it to the reactor plant. He will not ask for volunteers to help him, he is confident that he can succeed by himself. However, Catskill is not so sure and tells the party to follow and, if necessary, help in anyway they can. Blue Back is fatalistic, he is after a suicide mission, but if he realises he his being helped he will feel obligated to ensure that every one gets out alive.

Enrique Dunken, a Mexican Aardvark, gave the Black Egg to Blue Back. Blue Back refers to the egg as the Phoenix Device, a weapon of awesome power that will aid the A.L.F., and all mutant animals, in the coming conflict. Enrique insists that the egg is that of the mythical Phoenix.

There are problems to overcome first.

The first problem is that in the rush to evacuate the Feet of Liberty, Blue Back had to hide the black egg in the machinery. He knows the old A.L.F. base is probably being watched and will be as stealthy as possible for a 400-pound gorilla. Once inside the Feet of Liberty he will have no problem retrieving the egg and will make a quick exit through the sewers. The Feet of Liberty was abandoned hastily; ammunition and a few automatic weapons may still be available if the party is willing to spend a few minutes searching. Those minutes, however, will be long enough for the reinforcements to arrive and a conflagration may ensue.

A technological marvel in titanium

The Manhattan reactor is well guarded electronically, but there is only a minimal human presence. The plant has several different levels of security robot, for watching restraining and terminating trespassers. The closer the party get to the reactor core the more vicious the security will become for unauthorised personnel. If the party set off any alarms the local police force, backed up by the Military will arrive on the scene in large numbers within 5 minutes. An alarm will be activated if the party (A) fail an electronics roll trying to open the number-pad locks, (B) blatantly attack the guards in the building, or (C) make any kind of overt attack on the plant.

A possible escape route

After the egg has been placed in the reactor, the party will have to beat a hasty retreat so as not to be caught in the resulting explosion. In the carpark of the power plant is an off road vehicle on loan from Xenoco. The vehicle is large enough to fit 6 or 8 people at a push and looks in good condition. This could be the perfect escape vehicle! If the party enter the vehicle, they will be instantly impressed by all of the extra technological gadgetry installed. None of which makes sense to most people. However, the basic drive mechanism seems straight forward enough and the vehicle will start first time. The primary drive is electric with solar panels on the roof for emergency powerup. As soon as the vehicle reaches 50 mph the nuclear powered time machine in the back of the jeep will activate sending the party careening through time to an unknown destination (Jurassic period).

The phoenix has arisen

The combination of the maturity of the egg and the warm, radioactive atmosphere will be enough to activate the birth cycle. The Phoenix will burst into life with an intense, combustible heat wave, melting metal, carbonising and shattering other materials. A chain reaction is started which cannot be stopped. The reactor core will go into catastrophic meltdown as the Phoenix rises. A vast nuclear explosion will flatten most of New York as the Phoenix takes to the skies. The President, convinced that this is the pre-emptive strike by a foreign invasion, will launch America's own nuclear warheads at all of the most likely suspects.


From here the players will have already set out on one of the two, or more routes I have thought about. I will try to cover my own expectations from this point onward.

The majority of this scenario is set up to introduce the players to the After the Bomb campaign setting. We have all of the necessary elements set in place, a nuclear war, a fanatical anti-mutant organisation and a pro-mutant organisation. This scenario can serve as a fragment of history for the After the Bomb game.

The alternative ending is solely reliant on the players stealing the Xenoco time travelling vehicle. The possibilities are quite endless. Although the first stop off point will be the cretaceous period of 66 million years ago! My own plans are to let them work out some of the functions of the time machine, or have them rescued by a time travelling Dinosaur. That sounds like fun…



President Walken is a paranoid, anti-mutant schizophrenic in charge of America. He has passed lots of laws oppressing mutant animals. Public opinion has stayed his hand from declaring mutants as outright abominations deserving nothing but disintegration, but that is what he ultimately wants.

Walken discretely funds the A.L.F. because he knows that, as President, he needs a vocal and dangerous enemy to allow him to make dramatic policy changes 'for the better of mankind'. The A.L.F. know him as Crowley the Crow and he is a confidant of Blue Back. Walken will set Blue Back up when he no longer needs the A.L.F. for his political career. He also funds many A.K.A. activities.

A fanatical anti mutant organisation heavily funded by the Walken administration. They have access to most present day weaponry and armour. Occasionally they are supplied with experimental weapons from Xenoco. In the present aggressive climate the group is seeing an unusual growth rate. Groups of up to 50 A.K.A. members frequently patrol the streets looking for trouble, or causing it if they cannot find it.

A huge public company experimenting with robotics, genetic mutations, alternative power supplies, weapons, drugs and time travel. They offer low ranking jobs to some of their more successful experiments with intelligence. The Government will shortly remove its mutant experiment funding, causing Xenoco to abandon mutants as a potentially profitable market. Several Senators, with President Walken sympathies, hold large percentages of shares in the company.

A large biological research institute with funding ties to Xenoco. They have a strict 'no comment' policy concerning their creations, and mutants in general. BIOX are not beyond kidnapping to gain the 'raw materials' for their experiments. An amoral collection of hard-core scientists makes many of the company's policy decisions. They are only concerned with their 'pure' science, and do not trouble themselves with the psychological or physical trauma that they induce.

Blue Back is the A.L.F. figurehead of the gorilla persuasion. He wants to reverse the roles of humans and animals. A product of genetic and cybernetic experimentation, he has a titanium skeleton and plated head. Blue Back carries a cortex bomb, and a tracking device embedded in his brain, that he is unaware of. He is constantly wracked by pain and anger. He wants to die gloriously. White lab coats will send him into a berserker fury.

The F.B.I. refer to the A.L.F. as Project Blue Back. Without him the A.L.F. would fall apart, Catskill simply doesn't have the leadership skills. Occasionally Blue Back receives orders from the mysterious Crowley, these meetings are always done in private. The information Crowley offers has always been beyond a doubt the most important information the A.L.F. receives, weapon dumps, planned invasions, troop movements etc.

Catskill, a vicious looking tiger, discovered Blue Back unconscious in an alley a few years back and nursed him back to relative good health. Catskill has been with Blue Back ever since. They set up and began the organisation of the A.L.F. when they realised there were many dissatisfied mutant animals living on the streets. Catskill is not diplomatic, but he is dedicated to the cause, will trust Blue Back Implicitly, and is an accomplished fighter.

Digdog is the A.L.F. recruitment officer. He is a mutant collie with full human looks. His speciality is in covert observation techniques, tracking, tailing, and disguise. Dressed like a character from a detective novel, he takes his job very seriously. He can get around town, relatively unmolested by the security forces, because of his human looks and superbly forged identity papers.

Cicero is a level 9, chicken Ninja Grand Master. He has been helping to train the A.L.F. in some simple hand-to-hand combat techniques. He is old and frequently distracted but none surpasses his combat skills. If the players require some additional training he will be delighted to help in any way he can.

Maurice the Mole is a trained Doctor, who has decided to help out the A.L.F. to the best of his abilities. The facilities available at the A.L.F. warehouse are not ideal but just enough to be of some very real influence. He is single minded in his desire to heal and will not, in any circumstances, be a part of, or a party to, torture or inflicting pain on others.

Crowley is the name and disguise that President Walken uses when he is in contact with A.L.F. members. He uses a new technology from Xenoco to achieve flight, and relies on an external disguise suit to obfuscate his true appearance. Crowley has always given Blue Back good information, he warned of the militaries plan to stake out the Feet of Liberty. However, he also told the military that the Feet of Liberty was the A.L.F. secret base in the first place.


The monument has been off limits since the beginning of the troubles; the A.L.F. undermined the super structure of the statue before they moved in. The A.L.F. used to occupy a secret facility at the base of the Statue of Liberty until the military discovered its location during recent troubles. 4-6 experienced guards constantly watch the base now, from the security of the shadows. They have orders to 'terminate with extreme prejudice' any animals that try to gain access. One of the guards is equipped with a jet pack, similar to the one that Crowley wears, he will hold back and attempt to escape, and report to his superiors if the fight with any mutants looks like it is going badly. Reinforcements will arrive in 2d6 melee rounds.

The new A.L.F. base of operations, now in Brooklyn, may not be as sturdy as the Feet of Liberty, but there are more escape routes. At any time there may be between 10 and 50 mutant animals at the warehouse. The A.L.F. has many safe houses around the city but the warehouse is a main congregation, planning area and is used to store medicine, provisions and refugees. There is a 24-hour guard posted in the neighbouring blocks, ever vigilant for an invasion force. Catskill moved the A.L.F. operations to the warehouse. He explains that a traitor gave away the Feet of Liberty location. This was the only location that they could guarantee would be safe, for a little while at least. From here Blue Back and Catskill are organising groups of animals into escape parties, sending them along routes that so far have proved reasonably successful. There are 3 main overland escape routes utilising wastelands and ghettos and 1 sewer escape route. The overland routes have a 60% chance of being successful; the sewer route has an 80% chance of security. "Time is running out if we don't move soon we might not be able to move at all!"

The infiltration of this complex will be necessary to complete Blue Backs mission. The security at the power plant comes mainly from a complex array of drones and automated devices, if there are any serious problems the losses of human life will be minimal to nonexistent. A mainly technical crew of 4 people will be present, with only 5 security guards (2 outside). However, there are several panic buttons around the complex. If these are activated a team of nuclear specialists, the police and a military trained unit will arrive within 5 minutes to appraise the situation. All doors are locked using numeric keypads.

Many animals are imprisoned in the BIOX facility. It may be possible to recruit a highly trained task force for the A.L.F. with just one infiltration. The complex is heavily guarded and defended by up to 20 security guards and some interesting experimental technology. There will be around 10-20 scientists at work, depending on the time of day. The four watch towers have 2 guards on constant watch, are armed with potent tranquilliser, or stun guns. All of the guards are equipped with communicators and will report to the main security area in the main building as soon as any trouble is spotted. Of the remaining 12 guards, 4 will be active in the main lobby area, checking the identity of anybody entering the building, while 8 are in the security rest room. 20% of the scientists spend most of their time in the secure compound, checking on the progress of their 'patients'. While the remainder spend their time in the main building, at work in the laboratories or in the canteen taking a rest. Two electrically charged twenty-foot high wire fences surround the entire compound. In the event of an emergency the guards can cause a compound lockdown, at the throw of a switch in the main security reception area.

Not quite as interested in mutant animals as BIOX, they still devote a third of their research into genetic mutations. Up to 12 mutant animals may be suffering in the Xenoco laboratories. Their primary interest is in alternative power sources, vehicles, cybernetics and weaponry. Among their many achievements is a lightweight short distance flight pack, and several versions of capture and terminate robots. Some of these robots have been shipped out to BIOX for the facility defence. Security at Xenoco is exclusively human, however some of the more passive mutant animals are being employed in the various labs, mostly for menial work. Some of their more interesting experiments involve combining mutant animals with their advanced research in cybernetics. Blue Back would have been one of their success stories, if he had not escaped and brought them into disrepute.

The A.K.A. society and philosophy is representative of about 40% of the views of New Yorkers. The A.K.A. even has their main Head Quarters in New York at present. This building serves up to 500 active A.K.A. members, those who regularly attend rallies, make donations, take part in 'duck shoots' etc. At any one time there may be 25 recruits actually living at the HQ. They have a regular source of funding, mainly from unknown sponsors, and therefore have a well-equipped building. They have adequate computer facilities, and both mental and physical training areas. Most of their endeavours are strictly aimed at propaganda and increasing anti-mutant sentiment. They have decent stores of weapons and ammunition (mostly pistols but also some rifles and shotguns). Food to support 25 for a month is also kept on the ground floor. They are ready and willing to undergo a siege if necessary.

New York is under Marshall Law and therefore a major Military presence can be felt. Up to 1,000 military personnel are continuously on duty, manning the checkpoints and checking papers. Another 3,000 can be called upon if the situation requires it. The Military Base itself has approximately 100 soldiers in permanent residence, 20 officers, including General Mayhew and his staff, plus 30 security and Military police in the main security block. The vehicle depots serve as maintenance shops for the fleet of military vehicles, at any given time there will be 4 armoured officers cars, 6 jeeps, 3 armoured personnel carriers, and 2 riot control vehicles with heavy armour and water cannons. Troops are equipped with M16's & riot armour, although most soldiers will also have access to light and heavy machineguns, C.S. gas, net guns and other riot control equipment. Officers and security tend to rely on light armour and colt .45 pistols.


The A.K.A. society and philosophy is representative of about 40% of the views of New Yorkers. The A.K.A. even has their main Head Quarters in New York at present. This building serves up to 500 active A.K.A. members, those who regularly attend rallies, make donations, take part in 'duck shoots' etc.

POPULATION: The, mainly human, population is roughly 30,000. Mutant Animals are estimated in the region of about 500. Most of the animals live on the streets and no definite figure is available. The A.L.F. probably have a more accurate number, but they have been outlawed. A high percentage of the mutant animals are of the exotic variety, crocodiles, tigers, lions and parrots, escaped pets etc.

GOVERNMENT: The Mayor of New York is largely thought of as a puppet of the President. Mayor Quimby makes few public appearances, and then only to re-iterate the words of his President, who has made New York his second home.

NAVY: New York has its own naval unit to patrol the rivers. There are 6 armed river patrol boats. They are mostly used to stop smugglers and terrorists.

SECRET FORCES: A small unit of 20 human military experts are devoted to rooting out A.L.F. conspiracies. The President watches the exploits of this group with a particular fondness. President Walken has also introduced experimental technologies to this unit, from some of his other political and financial interests.

A random encounter can be inserted between all of the major plot hooks, if the party seems as though they can cope with it. Two or three random encounters may be put back to back if the party is travelling a long way through the streets.

This is a violent time after all.

Roll 1d20

01 Small mutant strong hold, 2d6 mixed mutants
02-04 Military scouts on foot, 2d6 humans
05-07 Military Patrol, some heavy weapons, 4d6 humans
08-09 Refugees, mutant and human trying to flee
10-11 Motorised Military patrol, 1d6 vehicles
12 A lone aerial animal, could be friendly
13-14 Military Aerial recon patrol, 2 helicopters
15 Fighter Patrol jets 16-18 Human Vigilantes, 3d6 A.K.A members
19 A.L.F. gorillas on manoeuvres, 2d6
20 High tech military patrol, 2d6 soldiers well armed

I've never been to New York. Every location here is selected with the Blind Chance, pin in the map method.